I get it. I mean, mothering is really, really hard. As moms we see the stores fill with Mother’s Day gifts and we hear our friends talk about past gifts they’ve received. I think social media has made the obligatory celebration of Mother’s Day all that much harder for moms who don’t really feel celebrated in a big, over-the-top way. There are pictures of brunches and posts declaring love for older moms.
One way or the other, Mother’s Day is bound to let you down. If it’s not a spouse who forgot or miscalculated, it will be a full-blown toddler tantrum, a tight budget, or some other daily-life-in-action mishap.
Here’s the deal. Mothering is incredibly important. It’s the most important job you will ever have, and your relationship with your children will last a lifetime. The results of discipling your kids are eternal.
I have an idea for fixing Mother’s Day once and for all. Ready?
A Few Mother’s Day Gifts You’ll Love!
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the BiblePraying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need MostPraying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need MostIn His Image: 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect His CharacterNone Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing)Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds
DIY Mother’s Day Activities
As moms, we’re all about do-it-yourself. We change diapers, alter clothing, whip up a feast, even educate our own children–all without batting an eye. There’s no shame in our game.
So, make Mother’s Day activities something you plan and spearhead. It’s totally not weird to help your kids make you Mother’s Day gifts. It’s absolutely not strange to plan your own Mother’s Day trip to the tulip farm. You don’t even need to observe Mother’s Day on Mother’s Day. You can choose to do your Mother’s Day activities on a different day–a different week, even.
Mothers, unite. Let’s make Mother’s Day fun, not obligatory. Let’s plan something our kids will remember doing for us and enjoy. Let’s train them up even in this, to honor their mothers. And let’s really show them how to love. Let’s save Mother’s Day.
I have a list of 100+ Mother’s Day activities for you below. Check it out!
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:26-31, ESV
Mother’s Day Activities for Kids
1. Go check out a tulip farm. They’re lovely, and it’s a fun activity your kids will remember! Depending on where you live, you may have to go a little early–declare it Mother’s Day anyway.
2. Plant tulips with your kids. Make a big deal of watching the tulips come up.
4. Take your family to the local garden center and have them choose a plant for you that reminds them of you.
5. Read a book. Here are some great choices for Christian women.
6. Enjoy a backyard picnic.
7. Make DIY Sunflower Clay Bowls with your kids.
8. Plant a row of sunflowers with your kids and keep an eye on them.
9. Show your kids how to make a pop-up heart card with this printable.
10. Invite some local families over for a Mother’s Day potluck.
12. Go for a hike as a family.
13. Memorize 60 Bible verses about prayer with these beautiful cards.
14. Do some Scripture coloring and journaling with your teens.
15. Try paddle boating.
16. Decorate terra cotta pots with your kids.
17. Go to the children’s museum. Sure, it’s Mother’s Day, but it’s always a fun place to be.
18. Help your kids make this really cool pop-up heart card. They’ll love it!
20. Have your kids fill out this super cute printable Mother’s Day booklet.
21. Visit the zoo.
22. Help your kids make this Mother’s Day flower craft.
23. Help your husband work on an outdoor project you’ve been itching to get done.
24. Create these simple Mother’s Day accordion interview cards with your kids. You’ll love having these later.
25. Play a family board game.
26. Talk your family into helping you organize a closet or a room.
27. It may be cliche, but it can still be fun–go to brunch after church.
28. Go for a walk on the beach or by a river.
29. Teach your kids to make beaded bracelets. My boys actually loved making bracelets for me.
30. Help your kids fill out one of these Printable Mother’s Day Information Sheets for you and the grandmas each year.
31. Spend the day doing something you really enjoy.
32. Celebrate other moms with these elegant gift creation kits!
34. Print these fun Mother’s Day flower finger puzzles your kids can make to send you loving messages.
35. Create these beautiful Washi tape and pressed flower coasters.
36. Go waterfalling. See if you can find a waterfall nearby your family hasn’t seen before.
37. Create a little wooden family with your kids.
38. Take an afternoon drive through another neighborhood and check out gardens and homes for ideas.
39. Set your kids on the path to making soap for you and let them have a good time.
40. Make breakfast for dinner.
41. If things in your yard are blooming, fill your house with flowers.
42. Spend time at a local bookstore.
43. Do Mother’s Day Mad Libs together.
44. Go out for ice cream.
45. Paint a room together as a family.
47. Go to a gallery and talk to your kids about each piece of work.
48. Help your littles make this Circle of Love Keychain.
49. Take time with your kids to use some of these ideas to bless other moms.
50. Make this I Love Mom thumbprint craft with your younger children.
51. Get a special coffee drink or smoothie on the way to church.
52. Host a Mother’s Day brunch at church. Make Mother’s Day a celebration for everyone.
53. Create a Mother’s Day flower poster.
54. Take some group family selfies. These can be hilarious and quite creative.
55. Spend the day with your mom and your husband’s mom. Get pedicures, go for a walk, affirm their mothering.
56. Make a homemade flower card craft with the kids for grandma.
57. Visit a theme park and ride a roller coaster.
58. Go canoeing.
59. Read about some amazing women who loved Jesus.
60. Head to a spring festival.
61. Make some lemonade.
62. Work on these pretty tissue paper flower bracelets.
63. Wander around a farmer’s market. Grab some neat earrings or a flavored honey while you’re there.
64. Make a woven cloth basket. Pick some flowers to go in it.
65. Teach your kids to make caramel corn.
66. Go on a site seeing trip. Pick something to seek out like lighthouses or barns.
67. Create puzzle pins together.
68. Create a finger print keepsake with your children.
69. Go camping.
70. Help your kids make you lavender bath salts.
71. Roast marshmallows and make s’mores.
72. Make these 3D Mother’s Day flower cards.
73. See a concert.
74. Help your kids gift you these Kid Made Jewelry Dishes.
75. Head to a sporting event, complete with hot dogs and popcorn.
76. Do each other’s hair.
77. Plant an herb garden.
78. Spend some time making stamped polymer clay necklaces together.
79. Visit a farm with baby animals.
80. Volunteer as a family to make someone else’s Mother’s Day wonderful.
81. Make gift bags with cupcake flower liners.
82. Work on a project for an elderly neighbor.
83. Make chocolates.
84. Create recycled paper flowers together.
85. Visit a museum.
86. Go bowling.
87. Make a Flowers for Mommy keepsake handprint.
88. Look through photo albums (or the computer) and spend the day reminiscing.
89. Tell old family stories.
90. Create a family photo album.
91. Help each of your children make a photo and fingerprint key ring.
92. Pass on some family wisdom.
93. Create this Mother’s Day card with your toddlers.
94. Begin a family cookbook with favorite recipes.
95. Mini golf.
96. Let your children make this Mother’s Day bottle cap keychain.
97. Bake cookies.
98. Just love on your family. Every day is Mother’s Day. They grow up quickly… just love on them today.
99. Spend some time relaxing with these Bible verses coloring pages and devotions.
100. Make yourself Mother’s Day breakfast the night before. Then just cook it in the morning!
101. Take some time to celebrate motherhood with just your spouse.
102. Buy yourself a couple great Christian books for women.
103. Print these sweet Mother’s Day cards for your kids to color for you and grandma.
104. Find a nearby gardens and go take some family photos. Even phone cameras are amazing now.
105. This is a really neat woodburning handprint craft, and one Dad might enjoy getting in on.
106. I’m a sucker for Mother’s Day handprint crafts. This one is particularly cute.
107. New office supplies are so fun, aren’t they? Grab a new journal or set of colored pens for Bible study.
That’s a lot of ideas for you! I bet you can find one idea to make this Mother’s Day special for you and your family. Let me know what Mother’s Day activity you chose!
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
You want your kids to learn and love the Bible.
You want to teach the Bible…
As parents, we deeply desire the best for our kids. We look for the right schools, we make them eat right and exercise, and we get them involved in extracurricular activities. We take our job as parents seriously.
But are we also putting our time and energy into
teaching them the Bible? Giving them the life-changing, soul-nourishing words of Scripture is not only doable, it’s an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is, studying God’s Word as a family doesn’t have to be difficult!
2 Timothy 2:15, ESV, says:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Our job, as parents who love Jesus, is to help our kids become approved workers, unashamed and rightly handling the word of truth.
The good news? Teaching the Bible isn’t hard. Your family can learn the Bible together.
…and you can!
A Crash Course in Teaching the Bible to Your Kids
Danika Cooley’s book, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, will give you the tools and confidence to study the Bible as a family. It will help you identify and overcome your objections and fears, give you a crash course in what the Bible is all about and how to teach it, and provide the guidance you need to set up a family Bible study habit.
You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child’s relationship with the Lord through His Word.
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible will equip you with everything you need to know to teach the Bible to your kids!
Grab the autographed Reformation Family Bundle!
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Susanne says
Awesome giveaway! I would probably pick Zuliliy as first choice. 🙂
Julia says
Hobby Lobby!
Dineen says
I think my first choice would be to splurge at Hobby Lobby.
Tracy says
Hobby Lobby!
Lynette says
Great giveaway! I’d have to do some research on Zulily. If that didn’t look like a good plan for me, I’d go with Hobby Lobby.
Sabiana Derenoncourt says
I would love to win a Hobby Lobby gift card!
Melissa says
Oh wow! I’d love to get either an Etsy or HL gift card. Both would help with homeschooling.
Noelle says
I think I’d go for the Hobby Lobby gift card!
Nora says
I think I would pick Hobby Lobby!
Lori in NY says
Either Hobby Lobby or Starbucks.
Lora says
Hobby Lobby!
Erin says
Hard choice! But probably Etsy? Or Starbucks (yay coffee!)
Melissa Moore says
Oh, this is a hard choice, but I would probably go with Zulily!
Monica E. says
Hard choice between Hobby Lobby and Zulily!
Meghan says
I’d go with Hobby Lobby.
Susan says
Hobby lobby for sure!
Linda M Finn says
I would choose Esty’s Gift Card. I guess because you can get a lot of really nice things for the home or for yourself on Esty. I would like to get things for my home and myself for mothers day.
Marian says
It’s a hard choice between Hobby Lobby and Etsy!
ShawndaK says
Hobby lobby!
Menke says
Is it bad that I don’t actually know most of these stores? I would probably choose Hobby Lobby though, as I have a pretty crafty DD and I like their materials for making your own photo albums.
Amanda T says
Hobby Lobby
Susan Campbell says
Hobby lobby