Wonder how to teach the Protestant Reformation for kids? It’s simple with fun Reformation kids’ books and hands-on resources!
The Protestant Reformation was an important movement in Church history that lasted nearly 300 years, from 1350 AD to 1648 AD.
The Reformers saw a need to reform the Church. They believed the Bible alone is our authority–not the word of councils or popes. They felt strongly that the gospel should be preached–that we are saved in Christ alone by grace alone through faith alone. They also taught that we should do all things to the glory of God alone.
The Protestant Reformation was a fight to return to biblical teachings. Reformers also believed that the common people should have access to the Word of God in their own language.
While the Protestant Reformation radically changed the history of the Christian Church, it also changed secular history in big ways.

Teaching Tools Kids Love
Our kids need to learn about the Protestant Reformation. Teaching children about history and theology can seem like a big task, but there are great tools available to you!
Our family has loved learning about history (and nearly every other subject) through literature. Biographies, historical fiction, and engaging nonfiction books are great ways for our kids to think outside their own time period and geographical location. We’ve had our children read age appropriate books, but we’ve also loved the time we’ve invested in family read-alouds. Kids can learn about history while coloring or while eating breakfast!
Another great way to teach kids about history is through the use of hands-on crafts, activities, projects, and lapbooks or notebooking. These educational tools all help kids cement what they’ve learned as they move their hands and bodies. Lapbooks and notebooks can also help develop critical thinking and writing skills as kids work to share in writing what they’ve learned.
Protestant Reformation Kids’ Books and Resources
The books, lapbooks, and crafts below will get you started as you teach your kids about the Protestant Reformation.
Teaching the Protestant Reformation to your kids doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as reading a fun book together, working on a lapbook, and making crafts your kids will want to display.
- Who Was Martin Luther? – Fun, narrative biography about the Father of the Reformation for 8-11 year-olds.
- What Was the Gutenberg Bible? – The printing press paved the way for important historical movements–like the Protestant Reformation. Your middle grade kids will love this short history of printing, the Bible, and Johann Gutenberg.
- Why Did the Reformation Happen? – Middle grade kids can learn about the Reformers who changed history, the reasons they risked their lives, important Reformation documents, and the Five Solas.
- When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther – This historical fiction is perfect for teens to read themselves, or you can use the novel as an exciting family read-aloud!
- Martin Luther Lapbook – This free lapbook is the perfect way to teach Reformation vocabulary, impact, important figures, and more.
- Gutenberg Bible Lapbook – Kids will love this hands-on way to enforce what they’re learning about the Bible and the printing press.
- The Reformation Lapbook – Help kids think through the important people, events, and geography of the Protestant Reformation.
- Martin and Katie Luther Craft – Your kids can construct the Wittenberg Castle Church, complete with the 95 Theses, and the couple that really kicked off the Reformation in earnest.
- Johann Gutenberg and the Printing Press Craft – Kids will love making this cardboard replica of a printing press and its inventor!
- The Protestant Reformers Craft – There were many Reformers who impacted history. Your kids can make replicas of several important figures.
- When Lightning Struck! Family Discussion Guide – Kids will love this short Bible study and historical guide to go along with When Lightning Struck!.
- Reformation Day Snacks – Who doesn’t love a fun party? And with fabulous snacks to create, your kids will enjoy your celebration even more!
- A Mighty Fortress is Our God Lyrics Craft – Teach kids about Martin Luther’s plague-time hymn. This touching hymn is still sung in praise of God today.
The Protestant Reformation is an event you’ll want to teach to your kids. You can do so through fun literature, hands-on lapbooks, and simple crafts and activities!
Painting: The Protestant Reformation, 17th Century, Artist Unknown, Public Domain

Learn more about the Who What Why series and get your FREE Abolition Lapbooks here.
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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Christian Biographies for Kids | Christian History for Kids | Theology for Kids

Christian History Matters for Our Kids.
History matters. Now, more than ever, we see how important it is for our children to know and understand history and the Bible.
Here’s why:
- God is the sovereign ruler of all things. It’s important for our kids to see his hand in the history of nations and in the lives of both peasants and kings.
- Christian history is the story of our family history. Our kids get to see how people who love Jesus follow him.
- Understanding history can help our kids learn historic and biblical theology. They learn what the Bible says and what that means for us. They also see when the study of Scripture has taken important turns that have changed the Church.
- Reading Christian biographies and history can be a wonderful way for kids to think outside their own time and culture. God’s Church spans centuries and includes people from every nation.
- Christian biographies help kids consider their own faith, walk with Jesus, and the impact their witness may one day have on others–and on history.

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