God Made You Special
I love Psalm 139. In the ESV, verses 13-16 say:
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
Nothing about the way each of us was formed, or the events of our lives since, is a mistake. (Download Bible verses for your kids about God’s formation of each person in the womb free and in ESV or KJV here.)
Imagine how it would affect our children if they truly understood they are God’s creation — and God does not make mistakes. He has formed each of us specifically and carefully for his own good purposes. It would change the way they feel about themselves, and the way they feel about others.
Different Like Me
Different Like Me (Our Daily Bread Publications, 2020) tells the story of a diverse group of kids working toward a common purpose. Together, they discover their many differences–and their many similarities. The book, written in rhyme for 3-7 year-olds, is a charming celebration of how God made each person special.
Bonnie Liu’s illustrations are lovely and respectful, telling the story. Dixon’s text perfectly reinforces the message that God made you special.
This is a sweet book with a simple message. Every person is “different like me”–and God made each of us just that way on purpose.
I highly recommend you add a copy to your family’s library.
Purchase Different Like Me
Different Like Me (Our Daily Bread for Kids Presents)
Bible Resources for Your Kids
Learn More HereLearn More HereLearn More HereLearn More HereLearn More HereLearn More Here
A Resource to Help Teach Kids About Life in the Womb
Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Your kids will love learning about life inside the womb with Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth, published by Christian Focus 4 Kids.
Wonderfully Made is a science- and Scripture-filled picture book for kids ages 5-11. The book is told from the perspective of a mother telling her child about his or her development in the womb week-by-week. In fact, Wonderfully Made is written to help parents meet the theological, scientific, and relational purposes of teaching kids about life in the womb.
You can also learn more about Wonderfully Made over at the book page.
Head over to the Thinking Kids Press store for your free Wonderfully Made posters, Bible memory verse cards, and lapbook!
They’re a great companion to the book Wonderfully Made, and the perfect way to teach your kids about life in the womb!
Autographed from Danika Cooley: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon UK: Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Christian Book: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Grab a Pregnancy Resource / Gift Bundle of 10 or 15 copies and save!
Books Make Great Gifts!
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Deborah W. says
I want to win these books so I can read them with my grandchildren.
Dawn says
I love books about this topic from a Biblical perspective.
Donna L Holder says
its perfect for the kids and easy for us to understand
Tamboliya says
I think that’s great that you have these books that are edifying in the Lord for kids. I hope I win! I teach Kids’ Bible study to Inner City Low Income children so this would be a great asset! 🙂
Charissa Reed says
This looks like an amazing giveaway. Thank you.
Jhommie says
I really like these books because of the message. This is the kind of books I’d let my child read. Thank you!
Kendra says
I purchased Wonderfully Made a few years ago so would love to win a new copy to give as a gift! And we do not own Different Like Me, so I hope to win that one for our own collection!
Rebecca Tamsma says
These books sound amazing! Thank you for the opportunity!
Gigi says
Thanks for this chance to win these books, Danika!
Lisa Teodoro says
Danika, You always recommend the best books, and not from the mainstream Christian publishers I am familiar with. Thank you for sharing these with all of us!
LeAnn Harbert says
I think these will be great books for my granddaughters to read.
Binks says
Sounds very intriguing for my children
Beth Grover says
These books look great!
Teresa W says
We find out about so many great books from you. This book sounds and looks wonderful. What a great way to celebrate God’s creativity.
Cindy says
Looks like they will be beautiful books and much needed information to teach our grandchildren.
Evelyn M Valdez says
I thank you for being intentional about this subject that most, particularly in our faith avoid or do not understand its significance and necessity. I am grateful for this 💗
Ginger Snodgrass says
These books look amazing!! Both of my children are adopted and look very different from each other and my husband and I. They always ask about that so these books look like they would help!
Andrea Wilson says
Thank you for the blog post. I love having Bibically-based books for my kids to read.
Natalie says
I am excited to read these books to my nieces and nephew because I love the messages they convey!
Julie says
Sounds like these books offer a Biblical perspective on some current issues. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Beth Anne Witmer says
It is very important to me that my kids know who made them and why and that they are able to see the image of God in themselves and others. I would love to be able to read these books with them!
Kristall says
What a great giveaway!! Psalm 139 is my favorite!
Sierra says
Thank you for this post and giveaway! 😊
Lila Diller says
I’m excited about sharing diversity with my youngest son in a way that’s not preachy.
Amy says
Both of these books look awesome! Always looking for books to read with my kiddos!
Ashley VanDyke says
This sounds amazing to add into our home!
Theresa says
These books would be great morning time additions. Thank you for sharing! God bless you and your family!
Julie B says
If I win, I will give them to our nieces
Judith Martinez says
The differences book looks great. It’s so important to have a Biblical perspective on diversity.
L says
Thank you for this giveaway!
charissa reed says
The books look amazing
Jeanine Bevacqua says
As a parent, I am excited for my children to know and love their Lord and Saviour. What a great giveaway!!
melissa fox says
I have read both of these books and would love to have them in my family’s personal library
Sarah says
I am so excited that I stumbled upon this blog today! So many wonderful resources for my home and my school library!
Ashley Busakula says
This looks amazing!
wen budro says
I am excited about these books because they sound wonderful. I love their positive messages.
Kelly Tackett says
I would love to win these books.
Kathy Moya says
These books look wonderful! Thank you for the opprtunity to be able to win such beautiful literature.
Denise W. says
Both of these would be great to have in our library
Cody says
Such wonderful resources!!
Julie Bryce says
My 5 y.o. girls is a whiz about relating, now she can relate to God and His purpose!!!!!
Julie Bryce says
I keep referring 2 new friends via FB, however I am not apparently sure of the exact order of pushing the buttons, copied, FB and such. Hopefully this is helpful anyway.
Brandon Sparks says
I am very excited about my kids checking this out and learning..
Bekah says
These books would be incredible to be able to read and discuss with my four sweet children. Thank you for writing these, they look fantastic!