Our children start learning about God’s creation from their earliest moments outside in the world. In fact, every blade of grass, snowflake, and butterfly testify to the majesty of God through his creation.
Romans 1:18-20, ESV (emphasis mine), tells us we can see the existence of God through his work in creation:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
This general revelation of God’s existence, his work, and his character is something God has revealed to all people through nature. So, when you take your kids to the zoo, the aquarium, or on a nature walk, they can marvel at God’s design, his creativity, and his wisdom.
Things kids need to know about Creation
God’s special revelation involves God’s explicit revealing of his character and his plan for us through his Word, the Bible. In addition to God’s inspiration of the written Word, he also revealed himself throughout the Old and New Testament eras through dreams and visions, and through Christophanies and Theophanies–when God appeared to people, and–finally–through the incarnation of Jesus. These events and teachings are recorded in the Bible. So, today, we learn about God’s character and teachings through Scripture, which he has given to us for our benefit and for his glory.
It’s important that our kids learn about Creation through the Bible.
Specifically, our kids need to know 6 things about Creation:
1) Kids need to know that God created everything in the beginning.
God created all the world and everything in it. Only God existed before his Creation, and he created all things out of nothing. How amazing is that? Our kids need to understand this great truth.
Everything else our kids know will build on the fact that our God created all things out of nothing, in the beginning, and he built the world to be inhabited by the creatures he made. Not only that, kids need to know that everything God created was good.
We serve an all-powerful, eternal God.
2) Kids need to know that God created everything in six days.
Our children benefit from learning the six days of God’s Creation. Have you ever thought about the fact that God created each day’s work in a logical order that supported life? After all, how could plants grow without dirt? How could bees survive without an atmosphere, flowers, and nighttime? What would people have eaten without fruits and vegetables growing in the ground of God’s orderly, perfectly created earth?
We serve an orderly and sovereign God.
3) Kids need to know that God created them.
Throughout the years that I taught Sunday School, I would always teach the gospel. I always started with Creation, explaining that God created the earth, every living creature and plant on the earth, and then I would tell the kids that God made them, too! Often, this news was brand new information for the visiting kids in my class.
Our kids need to know that God gave each person life, and that he formed them wonderfully. Our kids also need to know that God created them for his glory. No one’s life is an accident, and no limitation slipped past the watchful eye of our Creator God. The Lord planned for each one of us, and he knew us in the womb!
We serve a purposeful and loving God.
4) Kids need to know our great Creator God.
Our Creator God wrote his Word, the Bible, to reveal who he is to us. It’s one of the primary themes of Scripture. Through learning about God’s Creation, our kids learn more about who God is.
Not only do our kids learn that God is eternal, all-powerful, uncreated, they learn about the Trinity as well. Our great God is three Persons in One God. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all participated in Creation, each in their own role.
We serve one uncreated, eternal God in three Persons.
5) Kids need to know all about God’s good Creation gifts.
In the beginning, God created humans, then he gave them good gifts. These Creation gifts are often called Creation mandates or Creation ordinances. These gifts were given to us in the first two chapters of Genesis.
First, our kids need to know that every good gift is from God. He is the source of all good things. What gifts did he give us at Creation?
- God blessed us. In Genesis 1:28-29, ESV, he told Adam and Eve:
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.”
- Gave us the Sabbath, a day of rest and worship. Following Jesus’ resurrection on a Sunday, many congregations celebrate the Lord’s Day on Sunday, a day of rest and worship.
- Gave us work as a good gift. Our labor is good and ordained in the sight of the Lord.
- Gave us marriage between a man and a woman.
- God blessed us. In Genesis 1:28-29, ESV, he told Adam and Eve:
Right at the very beginning of Creation, the Lord blessed us with food, with dominion over the earth, with marriage between one man and one woman, with children, with a day of rest and worship, and with work. Those gifts are all under attack in our culture. Our kids need to know they are gifts to all people everywhere from our sovereign God.
We serve a God who is the giver of all good things.
6) Kids need to know about God’s great plan for salvation.
Right at the beginning of the world, directly following Creation, we see God’s great plan for salvation begin to play out. Our kids need to know that:
- To disobey God is sin.
- Adam and Eve sinned and so have our children.
- Jesus paid the punishment for our sin.
- We can be saved if we believe in Jesus and confess belief to be saved. We must also repent.
We serve a God who loves us and made a way for our salvation.

Our kids need to know about Creation. Not only that, they need to know what God’s Word says about Creation.
Teaching our kids the Bible can seem like a big task. That’s why I’ve created a new tool for your family that will help your kids learn about God’s Creation independently. Bible Investigators: Creation is a fun way for your 8-12 year olds to learn all about Creation, in a puzzle-based package they’ll want to work through!
Your kids may so much fun, you may need to tear them away from their Bible puzzles to do other tasks.
Through six units of study, your kids will finish their Bible Investigators: Creation book understanding all six things they need to know about Creation. Not only that, they will know the support verses–and their references–for each main theme. That’s right: through 90 brain-teasing puzzles, your kids will learn 40 Bible passages, 30 truths about God’s Creation, and 6 main ideas about Creation.
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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Puzzle-Based Independent Bible Study for Kids!
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2, ESV

- Observe: They pay attention to what they’re reading.
- Interpret: They figure out what the Bible means in that section.
- Apply: They decide how the truth of God’s Word impacts their life today.
There are a great many truths in life to be found—some interesting, some boring, and some that really matter. You can be the kind of investigator who spends time puzzling out important truth so that you can know all the knowable knowledge that God has given us. That’s right. God, the Creator of the Universe, gave you a great big letter from him to explore and study so that you can discover the truths that really matter to your life!”
Bible Investigators: Creation, (The Good Book Company, 2024), page 7
The Bible Investigators: Creation Bible study for kids, written by Danika Cooley and published by The Good Book Company, is 272-pages of learning, puzzles, and fun activities designed to help your kids become amazing independent Bible investigators–observing, interpreting, and applying God’s Word as they learn what the Bible teaches on a particular subject.
Bible Puzzles for Kids
Middle grade kids, aged 8-12, love puzzles. After all, their brains are just built for figuring things out and memorizing facts. Puzzles are a wonderful way to help kids develop logic skills and retain important information. And, the book is written in a fun, conversational tone your children are sure to love!
What types of puzzles and activities will you find in Bible Investigators?
- Word Searches
- Crosswords
- Rebus Puzzles
- Dot-to-Dots
- Logic Puzzles
- Missing Letter Puzzles
- Cryptograms
- Word Sudoku
- Mazes
- How-to-Draw Pages
- Matching Pairs
- Word Scrambles
- Journal Pages
Every child is sure to find activities they’ll love!
Elementary-aged kids need hands-on middle grade resources that engage them and equip them to process important truths.
Bible Investigators is the perfect resource to teach your kids about an important biblical doctrine, while helping them apply God’s Word to their lives today.

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