Have you witnessed to a friend, sharing the gospel, when the Lord brought to mind the perfect verse to answer your friend’s question about Jesus?
Maybe you’ve been convicted by a verse you memorized?
Colossians 3:6, ESV, says: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
We want our children to leave home with a library of important Bible verses dwelling richly in their hearts. Bible Road Trip™ makes that easy for you to accomplish.

Important Bible Verses
Read the Bible cover-to-cover, and memorize Scripture along the way!
Storing God’s Word (Psalm 119:11) in the hearts of our children is one of the most important things we can help them do.
Bible Road Trip™ will take your family through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Your children will read the wonderful story of God’s great plan for our salvation. As they do, they will learn to understand the Bible in context. The verses they memorize will help them remember and apply what they’ve learned from the Bible.
Memorizing verses plants seeds in our kids’ hearts. Those seeds are used by the Holy Spirit in their lives. He will bring his Word to mind as they need it, just as he’s done in your life!
Memorize Bible Verses with Kids
Each week, the Bible Road Trip™ curriculum schedule provides an age-appropriate number of verses to memorize that coordinate with the themes of the book of the Bible they’re reading.
Older kids will also memorize the first twelve chapters of the book of Romans over a three year period.
To make life even easier for you, friend, each of the five levels of Bible Road Trip™ has printable Bible memory cards available for each year of the curriculum. Simply print your cards on cardstock, cut them out, and you’ll have a quick and easy way for your children to concentrate on their verses each week, and to review verses from previous weeks!
With Bible Road Trip™, your kids will memorize important Bible verses as they travel through God’s Word!
Bible Road Trip™ Curriculum
Take a look at the Bible Road Trip™ memory verse cards!

Books Make Great Gifts!
Teach Your Kids the Bible with Bible Road Trip™

Bible Road Trip™ is a three-year Bible survey curriculum. Take your family through the Bible five times from preschool to high school.
To help you get the most out of your studies, Bible Road Trip™ has an array of coordinating weekly activities:
- Researching the section of the Bible you’re studying
- Reading and discussing the Bible
- Memorizing Scripture
- Notebooking about your studies
- Praying for the nations
- Suggestions for further study
- Crafting about what you’ve learned
- For your older students: A project to share what they’ve learned
- Bible Road Trip™ also has some great tools you can use along with it, such as:
- Notebooking Journals for grades 1-9. Want a structured notebooking journal for high school? Don’t hesitate to use the Dialectic journal (grades 7-9).
- Bible Memory Card Sets for all five levels of study, preschool to high school. These are available in both ESV and KJV.
Grab your Bible Road Trip™ Year One Sample Pack. You’ll get:
- The Bible Road Trip™ Parent / Teacher Guide.
- The first three weeks of the curriculum for all five learning levels. Week Three is where we really dive into the Bible and begin to our systematic study. Week Three will give you a good feel for the rest of the curriculum.
- The first three weeks of the Bible Memory Card sets for all five levels, in ESV and KJV.
- The first three weeks of each of the three leveled Notebooking Journals.
Grab the Sample Pack for FREE:

Disciple your kids by taking your family through the Bible together in a meaningful way!
Bible Road Trip™ Curriculum
Take a look inside the Bible Road Trip™ curriculum! Let me show you around:
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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