I wanted the kids to memorize verses, created crafts to help them better understand Scripture, and I wanted us to pray for the nations.
I also knew that it was important that my children write about what they’d learned, at an age-appropriate level. But, I didn’t want to use fill-in-the-blank workbooks. I wanted my children to be able to think critically and to learn to take notes. Notebooking was the perfect answer to allow my kids to do written narration–a retelling of what they’d learned in their own words.
As I worked on a plan for our Bible discipleship time, I wrote it all down, including prompts for notebooking. Then, I designed notebooking journals–filled with amazing artwork from centuries of art about Scripture–and made it available to your family, too.
Bible Road Trip™ is a three-year Bible survey curriculum for families with kids preschool through high school. The program has helped tens of thousands of families learn God’s Word together.
Journaling the Bible
Bible Road Trip™ Notebooking Journals add to the fun, help with memory retention, and create memories that last forever!
Narration is a wonderful way for kids to recount what they’ve learned, and to add thoughts about what they’ve read. It’s an important way for kids to think about and process their reading, observing, interpreting, and then applying God’s Word.
The Bible Road Trip™ curriculum has a weekly schedule of prompts for notebooking, or journaling, that allows your kids (grade 1 and up) to narrate their reading each week. As they do, they will learn to observe what they read, recording facts and tidbits about their reading. They’ll practice interpreting God’s Word, writing about why something is important. And, they will practice applying Scripture to their own lives, writing about how they should live and how their reading impacted them.
- Lower Grammar – Grades 1-3
- Upper Grammar – Grades 4-6
- Dialectic – Grades 7-9
Each level has line widths appropriate for that age level. Rhetoric students in grades 10-12 can keep their own journal, or use the Dialectic level journal.
- Bible memory verses
- Information about each book of the Bible
- Facts and observations about their reading
- Important theological terms
- Theological themes and ideas
- Drawings that help them remember events and themes
- Information about the nations they’re praying for
You’ll love the art history exposure they receive each week, as well. The artwork in the journals has been carefully selected to avoid visual depictions of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (many Christians consider these to be Second Commandment violations, as well as pictures of angels and demons. The pictures are also chosen, or cropped, for modesty.
Dialectic level students will record information about a mini-research project each week, as well. Their projects will help them better understand the background of biblical history.
Add to the notebooking fun with Bible Road Trip™ notebooking journals, available in print or as digital downloads. By the time your students finish each year of Bible Road Trip™, you’ll have a beautiful record of each child’s journey through God’s Word.
Bible Road Trip™ Notebooking Journals
Take a look inside the Bible Road Trip™ notebooking journals! Let me show you around:
Books Make Great Gifts!
Teach Your Kids the Bible with Bible Road Trip™
Bible Road Trip™ is a three-year Bible survey curriculum. Take your family through the Bible five times from preschool to high school.
To help you get the most out of your studies, Bible Road Trip™ has an array of coordinating weekly activities:
- Researching the section of the Bible you’re studying
- Reading and discussing the Bible
- Memorizing Scripture
- Notebooking about your studies
- Praying for the nations
- Suggestions for further study
- Crafting about what you’ve learned
- For your older students: A project to share what they’ve learned
- Bible Road Trip™ also has some great tools you can use along with it, such as:
- Notebooking Journals for grades 1-9. Want a structured notebooking journal for high school? Don’t hesitate to use the Dialectic journal (grades 7-9).
- Bible Memory Card Sets for all five levels of study, preschool to high school. These are available in both ESV and KJV.
Grab your Bible Road Trip™ Year One Sample Pack. You’ll get:
- The Bible Road Trip™ Parent / Teacher Guide.
- The first three weeks of the curriculum for all five learning levels. Week Three is where we really dive into the Bible and begin to our systematic study. Week Three will give you a good feel for the rest of the curriculum.
- The first three weeks of the Bible Memory Card sets for all five levels, in ESV and KJV.
- The first three weeks of each of the three leveled Notebooking Journals.
Grab the Sample Pack for FREE:
Disciple your kids by taking your family through the Bible together in a meaningful way!
Bible Road Trip™ Curriculum
Take a look inside the Bible Road Trip™ curriculum! Let me show you around:
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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