More and more recently, I have been praying Scripture over my kids. It’s really simple, but powerful, and you can do it too.
My husband and I are reading an excellent book together called Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney. I’m also involved with the group Moms in Prayer which allows women to pray together weekly over their children, schools, and community using the Bible as the structure for our prayers.
I’ve put together some Bible verses about prayer just for you.
How to Pray from the Bible
Let me give you a quick example. The Scripture card above is from the new Bible Verses about Prayer for Moms set over at, available in both ESV and KJV.
If I sit down to pray with my Bible or with memory verse cards, I can use Scripture to praise God, confess my sins, give thanks, and engage in supplication–which is to humbly bring my requests before the Lord. I can use the verse above to petition the Lord for my kids. My prayer, using the language God used in telling me about himself when he inspired Paul to write this portion of the Bible, may sound something like this:
Father, I pray to you that (my child’s name) may not do wrong. I don’t pray this so that others will think I’ve met the test and parented well. I pray this so that (my child) may do what is right before you, even if it looks like I’ve failed as a parent. Lord, help (my child) understand that we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. Help me always remind (my child) that all truth comes from you alone. You are Truth. Lord, help (my child) remember to be glad in weakness and trials and to rejoice in your strength. Lord, I ask you for (my child’s) restoration–let him/her walk always with you.
I’ve been increasingly using this method of praying God’s words back to him, and wanted to share with you.
Prayer in the Bible
Prayer is a big deal to God. There are so many verses about prayer in the Bible.
In addition to verses about prayer in the Bible, we also see people pray all throughout Scripture. They praise God, they confess their sins, they thank God for all He’s done, and they make supplications–asking directly for needs to be fulfilled.
My favorite example of praying in the bible is Jesus. Jesus always made time to pray to His Father. Every time I read about Jesus’ time in prayer, I’m convicted that I ought to be praying more… I want to pray more. I want to spend more and more time with my Lord.
There are far more than 60 Bible verses about prayer. I went through and picked 60 Bible verses about prayer that are significant and will help inform your prayer life in some way.
Great Prayer Resources
Bible Verses about Prayer for MomsFREE! The Family Prayer Box ProjectPrayer Bible Memory Verse Cards for KidsPraying the BiblePraying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need MostPraying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most40 Days 40 Bites: A Family Guide to Pray for the World by Trudi Parkes (2014-09-20)40 Days 40 More Bites: A Family Guide to Pray for the World
Bible Verses about Prayer for Moms
Pray biblically with Bible verses about prayer. You can use the verses in this set as Bible memory verse cards, or you can pray the Bible using these verses.
In the set you’ll find:
- 60 Bible verse cards about prayer
- 4 “I’m Praying for You” Encouragement Cards
- 5 Prayer List Bookmarks
Grab your FREE Bible Study Tool Kit–over 130 pages of Bible resources for your family!
Prayer List Bookmarks
These bookmarks are a great reminder to pray for others throughout the day. Here are a few ways to use them:
- Fill out all 5 bookmarks with a different set of names and rotate the bookmarks over 5 weeks, praying for new people each week.
- Fill out all 5 bookmarks and place them in your Bible, journal, daytimer, bedside book, and by your toothbrush to remind you to pray for different people throughout the day.
- At a women’s group, print a stack of bookmarks, and have the ladies commit to pray for each other in groups of 8. They can record the names of their prayer partners.
- Use the bookmarks for prayer requests you often miss, like the senate or your church elders, and store the bookmarks in your Bible to help you remember to pray for institutions and those in leadership.
Prayer Encouragement Notecards
These prayer notecards are a great way to edify others. Here are a few ways to use them:
- When the Lord puts someone on your heart to pray for, write them an encouraging note and drop it in the mail, letting them know you’re praying.
- Let your friend know what you’re praying, encouraging her to seek the Lord in all she does.
- Write a helpful verse or two in the card.
- Attach the card to a small gift, like chocolate or a bouquet of flowers, to remind a suffering friend she’s being prayed for.
Bible Verses about Prayer Memory / Prayer Cards
Ways to use the Bible Verses about Prayer card set:
- Read a Scripture and use it to pray to the Lord.
- For example: Psalm 6:9 (ESV) says: “The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer.” You can read the card, then pray something like, “Lord, I know you hear my prayers and you accept them. Help me pray in a way that is pleasing and glorifying to you.”
- Memorize the verses about prayer.
- Read one to your children each day before praying and discuss what it means.
- Use the cards as bookmarks and read the verses as you open your Bible or book.
- Print the cards as gifts for your prayer group.
- Frame and display the cards.
- Frame a card and give it as a gift to a prayer partner.
- Put the cards where you’ll see them throughout the day. Read the verse when you see a card… and then pray!
How to Print the Bible Verses about Prayer Set for Moms
- Download your PDF file and save it to your computer.
- Print these cards on duplex (back-to-back or double-sided). You’ll want to flip on the SHORT edge for these. You should be able to change the settings for this in the Properties tab of your printer box once you download and tell your computer to print.
- I recommend printing on white cardstock so the cards will be more durable and the back won’t show through on the front.
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
You want your kids to learn and love the Bible.
You want to teach the Bible…
As parents, we deeply desire the best for our kids. We look for the right schools, we make them eat right and exercise, and we get them involved in extracurricular activities. We take our job as parents seriously.
But are we also putting our time and energy into
teaching them the Bible? Giving them the life-changing, soul-nourishing words of Scripture is not only doable, it’s an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is, studying God’s Word as a family doesn’t have to be difficult!
2 Timothy 2:15, ESV, says:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Our job, as parents who love Jesus, is to help our kids become approved workers, unashamed and rightly handling the word of truth.
The good news? Teaching the Bible isn’t hard. Your family can learn the Bible together.
…and you can!
A Crash Course in Teaching the Bible to Your Kids
Danika Cooley’s book, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, will give you the tools and confidence to study the Bible as a family. It will help you identify and overcome your objections and fears, give you a crash course in what the Bible is all about and how to teach it, and provide the guidance you need to set up a family Bible study habit.
You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child’s relationship with the Lord through His Word.
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible will equip you with everything you need to know to teach the Bible to your kids!
Grab the autographed Reformation Family Bundle!
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Teach your children to pray with this fun project that includes 7 printable sets!
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