They need to know about the development of life in the womb.
Children benefit when they see the high Renaissance scientific work of Leonardo da Vinci involving life in the womb.
This Jeremiah 1:5 craft and printable poster combine all three things into one teaching resource your kids can hang on their bedroom wall!
Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You
There are parts of Scripture that are prescriptive–they tell us how to live our lives for God. There are other parts of the Bible that are descriptive–they describe history, but they don’t necessarily mean we should do what the people in the Bible did.
For instance, Jacob had four wives. But, God created the institution of marriage to be between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:23-25). The story of Jacob and his wives is descriptive, but not prescriptive. Jacob’s history is not an indication that we should live similarly. In fact, we see in his story the terrible consequences of polygamy.
It is important that we teach our kids to discern whether a text is descriptive or prescriptive. That’s something I talk about in Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible.
In Jeremiah 1:4-8, God calls Jeremiah–a young man–to be his prophet. That’s a descriptive text. It tells us about a conversation between God and Jeremiah.
The neat thing is that sometimes we can discover truths about God in descriptive texts. In poetry and history and even conversation, we can learn what God cares about, how his communicable and incommunicable attributes are shown, and what pleases or angers him.
So, when God says to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” we can be certain that he knew his plans for each of us before he formed us in the womb as well! This becomes even more evident when we read David’s poetic speech to God in Psalm 139:13-16.
Teach your 5-11 year old kids about life in the womb with science and Scripture!
Jeremiah 1:5 Scripture
When God called Jeremiah to be his prophet, he said:
Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”Jeremiah 1:4-5, ESV
Read the passage with your children and talk about:
- Who formed you in your mother’s (or birth mother’s) womb?
- What did God tell Jeremiah he had planned for him?
- Read Ephesians 2:10. What did you learn about what God has planned for you?
- How does it make you feel to know that God knew you and planned good works for you before you were ever even created?
God cares about life in the womb. God cares about life before he forms each person in the womb. That’s pretty amazing!
Before I Formed You Poster Craft
Check out this fun video of the Jeremiah 1:5 Scripture craft!
Jeremiah 1:5 Scripture Craft Supply List
- Cardstock (colored and white)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pencil
- Permanent markers
- Printable Template with Posters
- Don’t forget this wonderful book for your kids: Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Leonardo da Vinci Womb Sketch
Your Jeremiah 1:5 Scripture poster craft is based on the Leonardo da Vinci womb sketch.
Facts about Leonardo da Vinci:
- Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci) was born in Vinci, 20 miles from Florence, Italy on April 15, 1452.
- Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519 at Château du Clos Lucé in Amboise, France.
- Da Vinci was a Roman Catholic.
- Leonardo da Vinci is best known for his high Renaissance paintings. He was also an engineer, scientist, sculptor, and architect.
- Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks are of particular interest. (See this article on famous people who kept journals.)
- Da Vinci made over 13,000 pages of sketches that were science-based. In the Renaissance, art and all of the sciences were not seen as separate disciplines.
- Leonardo da Vinci’s “Studies of the Fetus in the Womb” were completed when he dissected the womb of a woman who had died pregnant.
- Does your child keep a notebook? You can learn more about what notebooking is, how to notebook, and how our family has used notebooking.
- Ask your child: What do you feel when you see the sketch that Leonardo da Vinci did of this baby in the womb?
You and your kids can make a representation of one of the womb sketches Leonardo da Vinci made. Combined with the printable poster of Jeremiah 1:5a in ESV or KJV, your kids can consider God’s sovereign care as he formed them in the womb.
Before I Formed You in the Womb Craft | Instructions
Before you get started on the craft, read and discuss Jeremiah 1:5 and the information about Leonardo da Vinci.
1) Print and cut out the templates and posters.
Print the template and poster page, in ESV or KJV, on cardstock. Your children can color in the words of the verse if they’d like.
Cut out the template pieces on the outer lines.
2) Trace and cut out the Leonardo da Vinci womb sketch pieces.
Lay the womb template pieces over cardstock in three different shades of brown cardstock and outline the pieces with a pencil. Cut out the pieces.
Lay the template piece for the baby over a color of cardstock that approximates your child’s skin tone and outline the baby before cutting it out.
3) Glue the womb together.
Glue the inner surface of the womb onto the womb base, near the right side. Keep a small space on the left side of the womb base as shown above.
Glue the womb border onto the inner part of the womb. Be sure the womb border covers the edge of the inner surface.
Glue the womb stem onto the under side of the womb.
4) Glue the baby into the womb.
Glue the baby into the womb on the right side as shown.
Use a black permanent marker to trace a thin border around each piece of the womb and the baby as shown above.
5) Complete your poster.
Glue your representation of the Leonardo da Vinci womb sketch to your “Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You” poster.
Hang the poster in your child’s room or on the fridge. To learn more about God’s plan for life in the womb, read Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth with your child!
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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A Resource to Help Teach Kids About Life in the Womb
Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Your kids will love learning about life inside the womb with Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth, published by Christian Focus 4 Kids.
Wonderfully Made is a science- and Scripture-filled picture book for kids ages 5-11. The book is told from the perspective of a mother telling her child about his or her development in the womb week-by-week. In fact, Wonderfully Made is written to help parents meet the theological, scientific, and relational purposes of teaching kids about life in the womb.
You can also learn more about Wonderfully Made over at the book page.
Head over to the Thinking Kids Press store for your free Wonderfully Made posters, Bible memory verse cards, and lapbook!
They’re a great companion to the book Wonderfully Made, and the perfect way to teach your kids about life in the womb!
Autographed from Danika Cooley: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon UK: Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Christian Book: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Grab a Pregnancy Resource / Gift Bundle of 10 or 15 copies and save!
Books Make Great Gifts!
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